
Showing posts from 2015

Reflection EDU 651

When I became the Distance Education Specialist for College and Career Readiness at Randolph Community College, I resolved to learn more about online learning in order to better assist current and future students in my program.  EDU 651 has assisted me with this task in many ways, especially since it approaches online learning from the perspective of debunking common myths. A few of the myths came as a surprise, though most were ones that I have heard frequently.  I was most surprised by the myth "students with significant disabilities cannot learn online."  I had never heard or even considered online learning as a barrier to students with disabilities.  It was interesting to learn about how why this was a prevalent thought about online learning and how it is erroneous to  believe that students with disabilities cannot learn in online programs. Though I learned quite a bit about various myths throughout the course, I think the most difficult thing for me was the Lite