About Me

My name is Mrs. Julie Kearns. I am currently an Exceptional Children's Teacher at Asheboro High School. I previously spent 10 years as a Preschool teacher. I then spent 8 years in Adult Basic and Secondary Education. I began at AHS in 2019 in the Long Term Intervention Program, then moved to EC in the Fall of 2020. Yep, I'm a Residency (formally known as Lateral Entry) Teacher who began during a pandemic. Nothing like a little adventure!

I am a wife and mother. My husband, Donald works in the computer industry. My son is a bundle of energy. Currently a preschooler, he loves to learn just as much as I do! He is already excelling in academics.

As I shared on the History page, I have a varied educational background, and I am always seeking to learn more. I am working on a doctorate and on Residency (undergraduate) courses at the same time. Yes, life gets a bit crazy sometimes!

Besides school believe it or not, I love to do lots of other things. We love to attend church, where I teach Teen Church and minister to the children of our community. In our "spare" time, my husband and I love to visit coffee shops. Reading is a passion, and I try to read for pleasure a little every day. I've also rekindled a love for coloring and stickers. I just run with it. Little pleasures in life should be enjoyed, not analyzed. 😉

Those are the basics about me. Looking forward to sharing random thoughts, insights, and craziness as I continue my career in education. 


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