
Showing posts from August, 2016

Building Bridges

Success begins with a single step towards a goal. When I registered for EDU 658, it was with a great amount of trepidation and fear.  I had attempted the course last year and failed miserably due to several health issues that prevented active participation.  Though there was a very valid and logical reason for my failure, I had a very illogical concern that I was somehow cursed and would bomb this course a second time. I never said I was a logical person, but I rarely admit to being wrong either... Ok.  I didn't bomb the course a second time.  In fact, I think I did fairly well.  I learned a few things from my previous attempt at the course, and I learned a TON of great things during this iteration. Lessons from Long Ago (Last Summer) As I stated previously, I attempted this course last summer.  Due to health issues, I had to request, and was granted, an incomplete.  Asking for an Incomplete was Mistake #1. An incomplete is a great tool to be used sparingly.  I, however,