
Showing posts from February, 2017

Hole in the Wall, Thoughts on a TED talk

Today's education system, while effective in previous generations, no longer prepares students for the future. This is the topic of a powerful TED talk by Sugata Mitra. Sugata Mitra began his discussion with the advent of the modern educational system.  Today's educational system relies on outdated methods of teaching, which focuses on teaching everyone the same thing in essentially the same way.  Mitra makes clear that the way the educational system is designed was effective when it was created and for the generations following.  He clarifies that that the system is not broken, it is outdated. This distinction is quite remarkable as everyone likes to focus on how the education system is broken. As Mitra points out, it did and does work; however, it is not what is needed NOW and for the FUTURE. Mitra's "Hole in the Wall" experiment illuminates for educators how children can learn when left to their own devices. Give them technology and encouragement,