
Showing posts from June, 2015

Merrill Vs. Bloom

The Contenders: In this corner... Merrill! Merrill's First Principles of Learning present a method of design that makes it easy for the designer to focus on real-world learning.  Merrill's presents a problem or task as the method of engagement in the learning process, therefore the mind is automatically stimulated into problem-solving mode. Once the brain enters the problem-solving mode, educators/designers are then able to use the learner's prior knowledge to present new information.  This practice enhances learning as information is in context of known information rather than as an abstract idea unrelated to the  student's knowledge.  Without a point of reference, students easily forget the new information or have difficulty applying the knowledge.  Merrill's First Principles circumvents this difficulty making the new information both applicable and relate-able.   And in this corner... Bloom!  One of the primary components of the R