Universal Design for Learning

The Universal Design for Learning offers multiple guidelines for the classroom that can be used in traditional, blended, and online learning environments.  My own instructional style fits well in the UDL, however I do have a few areas on which I need to work a bit more.

UDL: I got it!
~Provide options for perception
~Provide Options for language, mathematical expressions, and symbols
~Provide options for comprehension
~Provide options for expression and communication
~ Provide options for executive functions
~Provide options for self-regulation

UDL: Let's work on it!

~Provide options for physical action
~Provide options for recruiting interest
~Provide options for sustaining effort and persistence

Even those components that I utilize in the classroom and online can be strengthened.  For example, under "Provide options for language, mathematical expressions, and symbols,"  I need to work more to cross language lines.  

I have a lot of work to do to incorporate more UDL principles in my instruction.  Time to get to work!


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