
Showing posts from September, 2016

Developing my PLN

In order to begin developing my Personal Learning Network (PLN), I was tasked with engaging others through Twitter Chats.  I thought this task would be a piece of cake. After all, I can chat with the best of 'em. My experience was quite eye-opening. I decided to record this event as you can see below: You will note that I did not talk during this #globaledchat.  I managed a few Tweets, yes, and a few a follows, but I could not actually talk my way through this experience. I was completely overwhelmed. I do not quite have the hang of this yet. I am sure I will, but using Tweetdeck was very new to me, and it was a LOT to absorb. Though the video is just over 12 minutes, I did spend a little time afterward trying to assimilate everything. I cannot say I enjoyed that first chat; I was too busy figuring out everything. I do feel that this will be valuable and more fun as I grow more accustomed to Tweetdeck. Wish me luck.  I'm going to go try again!

A Shark in the SAMR Pool

SAMR is a dynamic model for designing learning activities for students of all ages in the digital age. SAMR stands for Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, and Redefinition, represented like so: As the diagram shows, the bottom tiers represent enhancement, while the upper tiers reflect transformation of traditional pen and paper assignments.  Let's review SAMR a little more: Now that we understand how SAMR works, we need to also recall that there is a slightly different view of SAMR, the SAMR Pool.  In the SAMR Pool, it no longer looks like the traditional ladder where redefinition is the ultimate goal to reach with each assignment.  It is more of a flow back and forth between each type of task. As you can see, in swimming, you can go back and forth between the different levels more fluidly than one be able to climb the steps of a ladder. "But, Julie," you say, "that is a picture of an ocean, not a pool." Ah! Right you