Digital Citizenship

According to, a good citizen is "a person who obeys the laws of his country, contributes to society and participates in public affairs with wisdom. Good citizenship is closely tied to the concept of civic duty, the idea that citizens have responsibilities they must fulfill with regard to their country."(1)

Easy enough, right? I mean, I learned that stuff from my parents and in school. I think I even received an award for good citizenship when I was in elementary school. I'm just good like that. 

On to the more serious stuff.

Good citizenship is important in society. It isn't about being a "do-gooder" exactly, but it is about being a responsible, active citizen. It is about doing what is right versus what is expedient.

Digital citizenship is very much the same in spirit. To be a good good digital citizen, individuals are tasked with things like giving credit for where s/he finds material... like those cute kitty pictures that everyone likes to view. It also means not illegally copying things, even when giving credit.

Digital citizenship may be the same in spirit to the good citizenship we learned in elementary school, but it actually is little more complex and detailed. It is important to understand copyright and fair use laws when creating online. View the following for a brief look at copyright, fair use, and Creative Commons:

Creative Commons licenses are a great way to show that your work is available for sharing or to obtain material for your own work from others (as long as you give credit, of course). There are various types of licenses that allow for sharing, altering/not altering, and allowing/not allowing for commercial use. Check out the website for more information:

Creative Commons

There is a lot to consider to be a good digital citizen. I know that I myself have a lot of work to do to improve my own standing as a citizen. I've been guilty of the copy and paste culture without attributing where I obtained the information since all I did was a Google search. I'm watching my back now to make sure that my elementary doesn't come and take my Good Citizenship Award back. I'm working to fix it Miss Hill, I promise! Here is a cute cat picture to distract you (2):

*goes back to work to become a better digital citizen*


(1)Good Citizenship
(2)Kitty Image 


  1. Julie, I enjoyed reading your post. Your voice and personality come through in your writing. I hope you'll share digital citizenship resources with your colleagues that may be interested or in need of this information.


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