
Showing posts from March, 2017

Reflecting on EDU 653

One course can alter the course of one's thinking. At least, this has been my experience.  At the beginning of EDU 653: Emerging Web and Mobile Technologies, I was worried. It was designed in the gamification model, and I JUST KNEW, I was going to hate the class. I had this preconceived notion that it was going to be like playing Grand Theft Auto or something (my husband is quite the, not so much). I really wondered if I would get anything out of this course. I've been wrong a time or two in my life (shhhh, don't tell my husband. I have him convinced I'm always right!). From the start, I was sucked into the, class. I wanted to be the first to get the assignments in so that I could earn extra badges, and points!  More points meant that I was closer to finishing the course! It was easier to keep track of assignments than a traditional syllabus. I actually found myself...ENJOYING this game/class. There were a few memorable assignmen

Real or Fake

I admit it: I am horrible at determining if photos online are real or fake. I rely heavily on sites like to determine authenticity. However, Snopes doesn't cover everything. For example, I was recently given an assignment where I had to determine the authenticity of  few things- photos, quotes, reviews. I did not do so hot. Check THESE out. Which are real and which are fake? I don't want to reveal the answers, but you can go HERE to find out if you were right or wrong. My correctness rate- not so great, but not horrible either. I got the photo wrong, the reviews correct, and I had two quotes correct, one wrong. So 50/50.  I found it interesting that I fared better with  the quotes and reviews than the photos. Interesting, but not surprising. Because I am an avid reader, and I have trained as a historian, I am already a little more critical of what I read. So, I need to work a little more on my critical skills with photos! How can I improve my rate