Reflecting on EDU 653

One course can alter the course of one's thinking. At least, this has been my experience. 

At the beginning of EDU 653: Emerging Web and Mobile Technologies, I was worried. It was designed in the gamification model, and I JUST KNEW, I was going to hate the class. I had this preconceived notion that it was going to be like playing Grand Theft Auto or something (my husband is quite the, not so much). I really wondered if I would get anything out of this course.

I've been wrong a time or two in my life (shhhh, don't tell my husband. I have him convinced I'm always right!).

From the start, I was sucked into the, class. I wanted to be the first to get the assignments in so that I could earn extra badges, and points!  More points meant that I was closer to finishing the course! It was easier to keep track of assignments than a traditional syllabus. I actually found myself...ENJOYING this game/class.

There were a few memorable assignments.  I really enjoyed the TED talk "Hole in the Wall." Here, watch and you will see why.

This short talk really resonated with me. I spent years working with children. I know that they learn so much through play rather than through "lectures" or "Sit down" and listen to the teacher. This TED talk really brought home what I had known and understood for years but could not quite articulate. I have already shared this with several colleagues, and they were equally impacted.

As much as this TED talk really hit me, I think the most lasting activity was starting my Personal Leaning Network or PLN.  I suppose technically, I had already started a PLN when I began graduate school and with the multiple workshops I attended yearly. But this is more of an intentional cultivation of online connections. Developing a PLN is not a passive activity. It is active and ongoing.  Watch this brief video for more information:

As you can see, PLN's are just that, PERSONAL. They help you to develop and grow your craft by learning from others. It was a little frustrating when I first began to cultivate my PLN using Twitter. I wasn't much of a Tweet fan. As I have learned and adapted to Twitter, it has become an invaluable resource. I am sensing a theme here. Are you? Looks like I need to work on not judging something before I try it!

Lastly, an activity that will stick with more for some time to come was learning about Creative Commons.  Copyright is a tricky concept, but if you are like I am, you are happy to share your ideas freely.  That's where Creative Commons comes in. You can share and borrow from others while attributing to their work without worry by simply looking for the Creative Common licenses:

I like to share, but I also want to give appropriate credit to resources that I use. Creative Commons makes it so much easier in our increasingly globalized world.

Moving forward, I plan to continue to utilize Creative Commons, grow my PLN, and find ways to incorporate exploration into learning. EDU 653 has had a tremendous impact on me, changing my way of think on a number of things including Twitter and gamification.  Further, it has helped me to see that I need not fear something that I "think" I wont' like, but to give it a try before passing judgment. But isn't that how we should be in general?

I really enjoyed EDU 653, and I am thankful for the lessons learned. Excuse me, now as I go lurk on Twitter for some more educators and groups to follow...

*Images created with Imgflip Meme Generator 
**Videos are from Youtube
**Creative Commons Licenses from Creative Commons


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