OTID Practicum: Beginnings

Getting Started

Beginning the Practicum in Online Teaching and Instructional Design creates a riot of thoughts and emotions. I am excited. I am nervous. I am glad I am nearing the end of my program. I am anxious about what is next. I swing back and forth like a pendulum between euphoria and paranoia.

Nevertheless, here I am: tackling the OTID Practicum. 

For the remainder of the semester, I will be posting reflections about my Practicum Experience. I will use this as time to ruminate on my progress, plan the next steps, consider problems and solutions, and perhaps have the occasional rant of frustration. Here's hoping there won't be to many of those...

Progress Report 
August 22, 2017- August 27, 2017:

This past week was a warm up week, so to speak. I had a teleconference with the Practicum Supervisor, Jillian Wojcik. We discussed how the semester will progress as well as course expectations. I explained, albeit briefly, what I had in mind for my practicum experience. 

I will be designing a training course for new High School Equivalency Examiners at Alamance Community College. As Chief HSE Examiner, one of my responsibilities is to ensure the proper training of all HSE Proctors and Examiners. Designing an online training course will facilitate this objective.

Practical Practicum Planning 
August 28, 2017- September 3, 2017:

For the next week, I will outline my training course. This outline will include course objectives. I will also brainstorm potential lesson presentation methods, activities, and assessments. This will culminate in a rough draft of a course syllabus.

Final Thoughts:

Though I vacillate dramatically in my thoughts and emotions, I do, overall, look forward to applying the skills I've learned in this program. Over the course of the next few weeks, I have the opportunity to have fun and design a course that displays what I've learned in a very practical application. Onward to the adventure!

**All images created using Imgflip.**


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