
Showing posts from 2020

Life as a New EC Teacher... in a Pandemic!

  I finally became a licensed teacher in NC. Over twenty years in the making, but I finally made it.  It only took 20 years and working in a variety of other educational settings, but here I am! It is exciting and wonderful and crazy. And. of course, it's in the middle of a pandemic...😖 Oh. And I am working on a doctorate. And I am on a Residency License, so I have more undergrad classes to take as well. Life is pretty much back-to-back educational settings right now. 😮 No worries! I am excited to be doing what I love at a school that has the best sense of community. Things are not perfect, and I have days when I'm a total mess, but overall, things are good. I'm learning and growing. Those are some of the most important things for me.  I always thought I would teach Social Studies; after all, my undergrad degree is in history. Yet, I am now an Exceptional Children's (EC) Teacher. All I can think is that the past 20 years in various educational settings have finally le