
Showing posts from November, 2017

Practicum Week #13

Description: Due to surgery and recovery, I was unable to do much this week. Feelings: I really could not focus on this project with the serious health concerns overwhelming my thoughts this week. Evaluation: Difficult time, but I am bouncing back now, and will resume my project. Analysis: As I've said before, I just do not do well when I am overwhelmed with personal or family issues. School work/ non-urgent projects get pushed aside. It's a hard habit to break. Conclusion: I'm not really sure that I could have done anything else. I simply shifted weeks. Since this week would be a break for everyone else, I will do this week what I had scheduled for last week. Action Plan : I will work over the Thanksgiving Break to catch up the work that I got behind on this past week.

Practicum Week #12

Description: Continuing to work on content pages.  Feelings: Overwhelmed.  Evaluation: This has been a bad week. Analysis: Life is just crazy right now. Conclusion: Trying to keep it going. Action Plan: Just keep swimming...

Practicum Week #11

Description: This week I continued to build content pages.I have  much clearer plan of how this course will go, and it is actually planned out now (smh). Well, the Proctor portion is planned, which is the one that I absolutely need to complete. The Administrator portion is not a priority at this time. I may tweak a bit more, of course, but I finally feel that I am getting somewhere rather than spinning my wheels. Feelings: Honestly, I've called myself 10 kinds of idiot. That does no good, so I used my frustration and channeled into getting something done. (I frequently get overwhelmed with life events and allow them to distract me from my work, in addition to being generally inconsistent- sometimes one must make realize and admit faults in order to make a change. I must say, this semester has done much to help me face this issue head on and make some changes. I just hope that it's not "too little, too late.") Evaluation: This has been a good experience. I do hope