Practicum Week #11

Description: This week I continued to build content pages.I have  much clearer plan of how this course will go, and it is actually planned out now (smh). Well, the Proctor portion is planned, which is the one that I absolutely need to complete. The Administrator portion is not a priority at this time. I may tweak a bit more, of course, but I finally feel that I am getting somewhere rather than spinning my wheels.

Feelings: Honestly, I've called myself 10 kinds of idiot. That does no good, so I used my frustration and channeled into getting something done. (I frequently get overwhelmed with life events and allow them to distract me from my work, in addition to being generally inconsistent- sometimes one must make realize and admit faults in order to make a change. I must say, this semester has done much to help me face this issue head on and make some changes. I just hope that it's not "too little, too late.")

Evaluation: This has been a good experience. I do hope to proceed to the doctoral level, and I know that consistent, daily work is mandatory. It has taken me a bit longer than some to get on board, but better late than never, right?

Analysis: I think I'm learning more during this Practicum than I have during my coursework. There's a lot to be said about application.... And the fact that I've just needed to work on me as much as I've needed to work on this course...

Conclusion: I suppose I could have reached this point a lot sooner if I weren't so stubborn. But I am stubborn, so there you go. I really like how the planning thing is going though.

Action Plan: For this course, I am going to continue working through creating and polishing the content pages. For the future, I am going to put more effort into creating a plan in the beginning (instead of in the middle) and work on sticking to that plan (which is equally important).

Welcome/Inroduction Module

Proctor Training Module

Proctor Assessment Module


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