
Showing posts from December, 2017

Practicum: Final Thoughts

Description: This semester has been a roller coaster ride, to say the least. I have attempted to create a fully online HSE Proctor and Test Administrator Training course to use in my current position as Chief HSE Examiner. I focused on the Proctor portion of the course, as it is the one most needed. I have a solid start on the training, I think. I have much I wish to edit, but such is the nature of online courses and teaching in general. There is always room for improvement! Feelings: With a serious health scare this semester, it would have been so easy for me to push aside doing this training. I pushed to try and stay on track, however. I did discover a few things about my work process that I need to improve- including PLANNING! I feel so-so about my work this semester, but that is normal for me. I tend to be too much of a perfectionist. Evaluation:  This experience was great practice in designing a course. The only negative was my own perfectionism and lack of planning. I am defi

Practicum Week #14

Description: I have continued to work on content. I still struggle with trying to get everything perfect on the first try, making this a slow process. Feelings: I've been reflecting on this process. I really think that I am not very good at developing things "from scratch." I have great ideas, and I can revise previously made content, but I struggle with getting ideas into reality. This has really made me ponder about what this means for me as I finish up this program. Evaluation: Reflection is a good thing, so this is a good experience. Throughout this program, I have learned much, and I've applied what I've learned. My professional goals are evolving, so my experience as I finish up my degree is colored by those changes. Additionally, my professional goals are changing as I figure out my strengths and weaknesses, my likes and dislikes, etc. Analysis: I am still considering what all this will mean for me. I will include what I figure out in my final pos