Practicum: Final Thoughts

Description: This semester has been a roller coaster ride, to say the least. I have attempted to create a fully online HSE Proctor and Test Administrator Training course to use in my current position as Chief HSE Examiner. I focused on the Proctor portion of the course, as it is the one most needed. I have a solid start on the training, I think. I have much I wish to edit, but such is the nature of online courses and teaching in general. There is always room for improvement!

Feelings: With a serious health scare this semester, it would have been so easy for me to push aside doing this training. I pushed to try and stay on track, however. I did discover a few things about my work process that I need to improve- including PLANNING! I feel so-so about my work this semester, but that is normal for me. I tend to be too much of a perfectionist.

Evaluation: This experience was great practice in designing a course. The only negative was my own perfectionism and lack of planning. I am definitely working on improving that in the future!

Analysis: Designing an online training or class is fun, but it requires a clear plan. It is best to stick with that plan, create, then go back and improve. My normal method of working from the middle outward is not effective or practical with online course design.

Conclusion: I would have created a better plan and stuck with it. The Blueprint that we created for another course would have be effectively utilized here, and I wish I had done that. 

Action Plan: PLAN. PLAN. PLAN. Even an outline would have been beneficial. I tend to be chaotic in my thinking and brainstorming. I must work toward making a cohesive plan and getting it organized to make my work more effective and concise.

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