
Showing posts from September, 2017

Practicum Week #5

Trudging Along... As I entered this week, I had an... epiphany, of sorts. It dawned on me that I have to review the guidelines for Proctors versus Administrators in HiSET and GED. Obvious, I know. But there are very subtle differences. Additionally there is a lot of material that I am simplifying especially for the Proctor section. It's not that I thought I was going to do all this from memory or anything, but I think I sort of... blocked out... the fact that I would need to review all the guidelines. Do you ever do that? Try to ignore the stuff you don't want to deal with? Progress Report:  September 17- September 24, 2017 I spent this week reviewing the guidelines for proctors and administrators. This has doubled as an opportunity to review for my own Administrator re-certification that I will do at the end of this month. I am also searching for videos to incorporate into my training modules, but I feel that I will need to make my own. The Proctor tra

Practicum Week #4

Making progress... This week has been productive. As I delve more into this project, the more excited I am about creating and using the lessons I've learned about course design. This is becoming more fun, though there is still quite a bit of work involved, of course! Progress Report: September 11- September 17, 2017 I have created an outline of my course, though I expect to make multiple changes as I develop. This is, of course, normal, but I have the added perk of frequently changing things around just because I'm not that crazy about it! I will have three "visible" modules on the course Splash page, with two hidden modules. The visible modules are simply: Introduction, HSE Proctor Training, and HSE Administrator Training. The two hidden modules will be assessments of those trainings. Additionally, I have created these modules such that one cannot access the Administrator module without having first completed the Proctor Training Module. I know the

Practicum Week #3

Bumps in the road... The third week of practicum was both rewarding and frustrating. I managed to accomplish a few tasks that I wanted to get done, but then I and my toddler were hit with a stomach bug toward the end of the week. Not much was accomplished for practicum for several days. Progress Report September 4 - September 10, 2017 I managed to put together a "shell" in Canvas for my training course. I have the to HSE Tests as the main modules and then that is divided into proctor and administrator. Doing this helped me to actually SEE what my trainees would encounter, and I could create n outline from there.  As soon as I created this, I realized why I needed to go with my original idea of the main modules being Proctor and Administrator the subdivided into HiSET and GED. A Proctor does not need to go through all the material that will be found in the Admin section. Therefore, that section would be locked to those training as a proctor only.  This

Practicum: Week 2

An eye-opening week... This "first" week of practicum has been interesting to say the least. Planning is actually a weak point for me. I tend to do better just diving in and then editing. I've tried to force myself to actually do the "plan:" outline, plotting, etc. I just keep getting frustrated. By the end of the week, I finally decided that I should do things my way, rather than a prescribed way that works for others. Progress Report August 28-September 3, 2017 I did a lot of brainstorming this week. Considering what all I need to include, what platform to use, the best way to setup the training- in general, just some of the nuts and bolts of a training course for High School Equivalency Proctors and Trainers at ACC.  Here are the basics I decided on: 1. I explored several platforms including Wix, Blackboard Course Sites, Moodle, and Canvas for my course. At the moment, I am leaning towards Canvas. To be honest, this is a matter of it be