Practicum Week #5

Trudging Along...

As I entered this week, I had an... epiphany, of sorts. It dawned on me that I have to review the guidelines for Proctors versus Administrators in HiSET and GED. Obvious, I know. But there are very subtle differences. Additionally there is a lot of material that I am simplifying especially for the Proctor section. It's not that I thought I was going to do all this from memory or anything, but I think I sort of... blocked out... the fact that I would need to review all the guidelines.

Do you ever do that? Try to ignore the stuff you don't want to deal with?

Progress Report: 
September 17- September 24, 2017

I spent this week reviewing the guidelines for proctors and administrators. This has doubled as an opportunity to review for my own Administrator re-certification that I will do at the end of this month.

I am also searching for videos to incorporate into my training modules, but I feel that I will need to make my own. The Proctor training, in particular, is very ACC-specific. I'll continue working on this.

Practical Practicum Planning:
September 25- October 1, 2017

The devil is in the details. I will continue to review a simplify the mounds of information that makes up the test administration guidelines (I have no less than 10 binders full...way too much for Proctors to know, and I want to simplify it as an introduction for part-time administrators). Work, work, work!

I'm squeezing all this in in-between actual testing and the myriad other details of test administration and committee responsibilities. 

Is it fall break yet?

**All images created with Imgflip.**


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