Practicum Week #3

Bumps in the road...

The third week of practicum was both rewarding and frustrating. I managed to accomplish a few tasks that I wanted to get done, but then I and my toddler were hit with a stomach bug toward the end of the week. Not much was accomplished for practicum for several days.

Progress Report
September 4 - September 10, 2017

I managed to put together a "shell" in Canvas for my training course. I have the to HSE Tests as the main modules and then that is divided into proctor and administrator. Doing this helped me to actually SEE what my trainees would encounter, and I could create n outline from there. 

As soon as I created this, I realized why I needed to go with my original idea of the main modules being Proctor and Administrator the subdivided into HiSET and GED. A Proctor does not need to go through all the material that will be found in the Admin section. Therefore, that section would be locked to those training as a proctor only. 

This may seem a bit trifling, but I online courses need to "stand alone." Courses must be designed in such a way as to be very clear to the learner. Design, communication, content, everything must be as clear as possible. When I put this together as I did, I realized that clarity was lost.

Practical Practicum Planning
September 11 - September 17, 2017

It seems as though I did not get much work one last week, and I didn't. I have double to complete this week, including: objectives, finalize outline, and start creating content pages. 

Final Thoughts

Getting sick was a little bump in the road. I'm now recuperated, and picking up full steam ahead!

*Images created with Imgflip*


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