Practicum Week #4

Making progress...

This week has been productive. As I delve more into this project, the more excited I am about creating and using the lessons I've learned about course design. This is becoming more fun, though there is still quite a bit of work involved, of course!

Progress Report:
September 11- September 17, 2017

I have created an outline of my course, though I expect to make multiple changes as I develop. This is, of course, normal, but I have the added perk of frequently changing things around just because I'm not that crazy about it!

I will have three "visible" modules on the course Splash page, with two hidden modules. The visible modules are simply: Introduction, HSE Proctor Training, and HSE Administrator Training. The two hidden modules will be assessments of those trainings. Additionally, I have created these modules such that one cannot access the Administrator module without having first completed the Proctor Training Module. I know these details may seem trite, but they are important to me and the order in which things must be completed for compliance.

Practical Practicum Planning:
September 18- September 24, 2017

I am beginning to create my pages in Canvas. These pages are being created based on my outline. I will be focused on the Introduction and the Proctor Training modules for several weeks. 

Some things floating around in my mind include three "keys" that we focus on in HSE Testing: Integrity, Security, and Customer Service. I am working on a way to incorporate these keys into the actual execution of the course, besides just mentioning them. For example, should each module be divided into these sub-modules? Or should this just be part of the introduction? I'm not quite sure. I like the idea of having a theme such as this for the trainings. But I do not want to get overly complicated either. 

Getting to work:

 That is what I have thus far. Getting in this blog post seems to be where I am having the most difficulty at the moment. I'm working on that! (Sorry. No cute memes this week.)


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