Practicum Week #6

This week of Practicum has been filled with things other than Practicum. It is so easy to get distracted by the goings on of life.

Progress Report: September 25-October 1, 2017

For me, school work always ends up on the back burner when life gets crazy. I suppose because this is, in many ways, for me. It's not technically work, it's not for family or friends. It is for me and my goals. Thus, it tends to be the first thing that suffers when I am overwhelmed. 

This week, I did manage to complete my re-certification requirements as an examiner. That is a big plus! Now I am officially still the Chief Examiner, and the one in charge of training Proctors and New Administrators. 

Prepping for re-certification took up the majority of my (so-called) "free" time. I am so glad it is over!

Practical Practicum Planning: October 2- October 8, 2017

Planning for the new week is a bit chaotic. I'll have to fill in the blanks later!


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