Practicum Week #8

October 9- October 15, 2017

Description: This week, I spent a lot of time uploading files. I also began creating content pages in Canvas. The file uploads were simply time-consuming, though necessary. The content pages are also time-consuming, but for a very different reason. I have created a splash page, but it needs some work.

Feelings: I agonize over wording on the content pages. This makes the content pages a bit of a bear to create. I want them to be just right. This means my pages take longer than I really think they should to create. I am also struggling with the desire to be creative, and the fact that this training course can't have a lot of "froo-froo." I need everything to be neat and clean, and I want to add bells and whistles.


Evaluation: I'm glad I at least have the files uploaded. There were quite a few. I may have to add more later, but the bulk of them are done. I like that I am realizing the line that needs to be drawn between the extras and the need for straightforward. I tend to go overboard with the creativity, and that would have been detrimental to this project. I can be a little creative, just not overdo it. :)

Analysis: Creating a course is fun, yes, but it also takes a lot of practice. I am a perfectionist, and I struggle with not getting things "just right" from the beginning. I am working more on just "doing" and "being," but I'm definitely still a work in progress. So that was a bit more in depth than just an analysis of my work this week, but there you have it...

Conclusion: I need to lighten up a bit. This is fun and a learning experience. I am continuing to work on the perfectionism issue, which has often led to procrastination. This weekly check-in has helped considerably actually. So, I shall keep moving along! 

Action Plan: I am working more this week on creating content pages. I am going to try to focus on just getting them created, with a bit of brain-dumping on each page. Then, focus on streamlining and editing later. At least, I hope I can do this. I've not been very successful with this in the past. I am also brainstorming ways to add a few bells and whistles while maintaining the clearness and conciseness the course demands. 



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